And as is still customary for dj-demo/mixes, the program of Mills' amazing sets began with a clever sample: "We're off to see the Wizard, the wonderful wizard of ozz..." (*beats fade in* & *body 'erk'd and jerked* in the form of a smurf, school-craft hop, etc.)..
Some 25 years later, somethings never change. Jeff Mills will be in San Francisco, Saturday Dec. 12, 2009 at Project One (251 Rhode Island St.). Regional ambassadors of (proper) techno, LeathaL (duo Paul Leath and Chris), who were gracious enough to invite me to spin on their web-show EOM Sessions on DeepMixFM.com when I was new to the SF Bay Area, return to DJ and co-host the event with El Otro Mundo.
Local Heads on the 1's and 2's: Alland Byallo, Derek the Rhythmist, and Gagarin. Limited Capacity + High Demand = Pre-Sale tickets are selling very fast! Click to View more event info and to BUY TICKETS Here.